Thursday, May 29, 2008

No Lunch Photo Today ~ Wanna Know Why?

Update: Security footage from outside the KFC store viewed today showed that I did indeed leave my phone on the table for all and sundry to see and that - amazingly - the thief was able to be indentified as a cleaner at the store. Story developing - the police are paying the person involved a visit this afternoon and we should at least find out what happened to the phone thereafter, whether it was hocked and so on. Best case scenario - he still has the phone and it gets returned, saving us the headache of shelling out for a replacement. Worst case - the phone is long gone, which would still mean paying for a new one, but as the security footage was able to identify the culprit, its fairly likely he will be fired from his job. And honestly? I’m not all that sad about that.

I met some girlfriends for lunch today. We chose KFC (it’s fast, okay? I’m pretty sure there was lettuce and tomato somewhere in my Twister…) I got there a little early and it was a lovely, warm day so I sat outside to wait. I stuck my mobile phone on the table in front of me so I would hear it ring when my friend text-messaged me.

Pretty soon I figured I needed to go potty. I gathered up my belongings and ducked inside to use the facilities. My friends arrived soon after and we settled down to a additive-laden fast food lunch. About half an hour in, I reached inside my pocket to grab my phone because it doubles as my watch. No phone anywhere. Friends both tried ringing my number - turned off (that’s weird, I thought). Went inside the store to ask if anyone had taken it in to the counter. Nope. Not in the toilets either. Pretty soon it dawned on me the blasted thing had been stolen. I must have left it on the table when I went inside to use the toilets. I immediately rang my husband (using my friend’s phone) and he reminded me to call our mobile provider to shut off the number, which I did. But in half an hour, the low-life who stole the phone probably rang China or something, sigh.

This KFC franchise is directly across the road from a police station too. Unfortunately, adjacent to the station is the courthouse, and plenty of, uh, ‘unsavoury’ folk frequent the KFC store and the McDonald’s and Pizza Hut right next door. The phone is long gone.

The most frustrating thing about this whole deal probably centres around the idea that had it been me, I would have immediately taken it inside the store and given it to a staff member. Some idiot is probably listing my phone on ebay right this second too. It was a newer flip phone and only 2 months old.

So yeah, no lunch photos today :P


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