How did we ever get by in a world without refined sugar?
I have procrastinated about this assignment (and the ten others waiting in the wings) for so long now that they're beginning to lose their urgency. Which is, of course, a very BAD position to be in.
Anyhow, I pulled my head in today and studied like crazy. But it was like walking through wet cement - I just couldn't draw a cohesive line between all my jumbled thoughts. Until I loaded up with sugar. Or as my friend Jodie likes to call it, "the other white powder."
With sugar, Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11, with all its heavy bias, was tolerable. I whipped through that baby at high speed, took notes like a woman possessed, and came out unscathed at the other end, ready to play devil's advocate/political debatist to just about any subject hubby might have brought up. Thankfully, he saw the 'sugar glaze' (over my eyes!) and steered clear. Smart man. I'm a force to be reckoned with.
I had to pause halfway through my episode of nitro-powered studying to go and collect the kids from school, but eventually, they all shuffled outside to run off some steam while here I am, madly putting the finishing touches to my assignment on 'finding the context' of written and filmed pieces. Exciting stuff indeed :P I'm never going to make today's post, but it doesn't matter because I'm not in any mood to drag the kidlets along to the post box anyway. I can drop it off after the school run in the morning. And hopefully follow it up with another in the afternoon.
I've given up trying to work out a 'make up' study plan to get me back in sync with due dates - I'm just content to finish this semester in June having handed everything in. Just to give a little demonstration as to how big this hole I've dug for myself actually is, this coming Thursday marks the last day to post for this term, and I'm supposed to have posted in eight assignments so far (four for each of my two subjects), with the last eight coming next term. Today's effort marks off the THIRD. It will take me most of the 2 week break (beginning this weekend) and all of next term to bring it up to speed so I don't have to drag these subjects over into the second semester. I've never had to do that and I'm not about to now.
But still, I really only have myself to blame...
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