Friday, April 27, 2007

The Morning Routine

Firstly, I'm back...but more on that later...

I thought I'd throw in a little post about routines. Those of you familiar with Flylady would know the concept back-to-front and sideways. Personally, I've always struggled with the execution of routines, but nonetheless, I have some, LOL.

Around our house, especially on school mornings, we would not function without some semblance of structure. My Morning Routine goes something like this:

Lizzie's Morning Routine

* Run washing machine
* Kids' breakfast
* Finish lunches
* Master J dressed - ready by 7:45 (he's picked up by taxi)
* Boofah and Miss Moo dressed
* Breakfast and Think About Today
* Dress to shoes
* School run

As I said, some mornings are better than others and often whole chunks will be skipped altogether (LOL), but when I'm on top of my game, this is how things look.

One thing that makes an enormous difference to how my mornings go is my Evening Routine, but we'll talk more about that later. If I'm on the ball, I pretty much just have to wake up, put some cereal in front of the kids, take the refridgerated sandwiches and fruit from the fridge and throw them into the lunchboxes that are already on the benchtop (pre-making what I can of the lunches as part of my Evening Routine is a lifesaver), help the kids to dress, and make sure we leave the house on time. I've pre-made lunches the night before for so long now that if I ever had to scramble to make them in the mornings I'd probably have a mini-meltdown.

By the time I'm back from the school run, the laundry is ready to be hung out and I'm already one chore down my list :)

Stay tuned (probably later today as I'm coming down off blog-withdrawals after the holiday!) for the rest of my routines...



A Juggling Mum said...

Hi Lizzie,

How funny that we have both been thinking about our routines :)

Our routines are very similar too, great minds think alike :)

Rachel xxx

Laura said...

I just stopped by your TiT posting for today - I love that you posted your routines. I've got some going myself, and I've thought about writing them down too. Thanks for sharing the tidbits of your life with us!

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