Tuesday, November 25, 2008

They've Got Jam In Them, Thanks For Asking

I’m not the only mother who has ever put a batch of muffins into the oven at 11:30 at night, am I? Anyone?

Time management issues strike again!

I’m so going to bed. No, really.

Lemme just read these here blogs for an hour twenty five minutes…

In other news…has anyone noticed that there’s a MERE MONTH UNTIL CHRISTMAS DAY? I have not shopped. At all. This is terribly unlike me. But this year I just realised buying stuff simply for the sake of ’tallying up’ over the holiday period is a complete and utter waste of money. I know. I’m a slow learner. This year, the only things on my ideas list for the Piglets were bikes, desks for their rooms (one each) and a puppy - and even then, the bike idea will probably be passed on as an idea for the grandparents. This puppy will cost a bomb, some of which will of course have come out of our usual Christmas budget, but it’s more about the simplifying this year. I must admit, it’s rather liberating not to have a ‘wish list’ from each kid in my purse at all times (in case I see ‘the’ present while I’m out and about), or to be rushing around getting to this or that sale. I’m not completely off the hook - there are still extended family presents and stocking stuffers to get, but we take it pretty laid back in that department around here :)


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