Thursday, November 20, 2008

If They Mark My Kids Absent Tomorrow, I Think I'll Scream

Technically speaking, my state’s Education Department never officially signed off on the planned teachers’ strike tomorrow. In fact, they’re ordering the teachers to go to work. The teachers, in turn, are thumbing their noses at the Dept. But for the last few days they’ve had daily meetings to resolve the issue, including a last minute effort this evening, and now the news tonight is saying school IS on tomorrow. Two days ago both of the kids’ schools sent home notices saying they were striking and therefore closed. What the?

It would be positively delightful if they’d work it all out before they sent home notices! Or better yet, Government People - give them their money!

So even though the Ed. Dept. is saying school is on, our kids won’t be going. Instead - but only if they can manage to behave themselves for an hour straight at the very least, please! - we’re probably going to go for a ‘Mum and Kids Day Out’. Boof desperately wants to go to the games arcade. Is it mean that I said they had to pay for it themselves? LOL.

In other news, Moo’s classmate brought a set of three Maltese/Poodle cross puppies for show and tell this morning. Good golly, they were only four weeks old and perfect little puffballs of joy. As we are considering a puppy for the kids I cornered the mother of the child and gave her my phone number. Then I came home and researched those particular breeds - good with kids, small, relatively easy to train, short hair that doesn’t (or at least minimally) sheds and the Poodle part in particular is meant to be highly intelligent. Still thinking hard about it though. A ‘fluffball’ isn’t what I really had in mind, but there are plus points to this arrangement - namely, we know where the puppy is coming from (and it has been raised in a family environment with children around) and even though this isn’t a deciding factor, we would be able to purchase it for much cheaper than what we were looking at for a purebreed. Even these types of cross-breeds go for hundreds of dollars in pet stores in my area. Not that it matters. I suspect we’ll need a second mortgage in order to purchase the equipment it needs and get all its shots done, regardless :P

We were planning a January timeline, as we are travelling over the Christmas break (new pup in car = not a smart move), and the family is fine with leaving the pup with its mother for a couple of weeks longer than usual to accommodate us. Still…big step. Funny to see Moo with one of the pups - who are all boys - this morning in the classroom though. She fell in love instantly (she’s 6, so of course she did) and would positively DIE if we got to take one home. One of them is a gorgeous apricot colour.

Sigh. I am such a sucker for The Cute.


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