Wednesday, July 25, 2007

I'm Only Four Months Late For St Paddy's Day

I had a serious problem with Corned Beef as a child. The whole 'pink meat' thing freaked me out. Even to this day, I can't eat any meat that has even a tinge of pink. I don't think they have a category for how well done I like my meat. But I got older, and realised it tasted great.

Hubs was fed Corned Beef regularly but as I discovered when we visited relatives this past week, his mother served it with gravy. GRAVY PEOPLE. That's like food blasphemy or something, LOL. I've served it maybe three or four times in my ten year relationship with Hubs, as he's simply not that fussed.

The whole Corned Beef thing started again while we were away - we were served Corned Beef cooked in the crockpot. It was DELICIOUS. And easy. And I suddenly got a hankering for it. So it made it onto this week's menu and I'm going to re-create it in my own crockpot for tomorrow night's dinner. Don't have a recipe, mind you, but I'll wing it.

Cooked soup in the crockpot today so will bag that up soon and freeze it. Then get it all set up again for the Corned Beef. Can't tell you how great it was not to have to stress about dinner tonight. I've had a very hit and miss run with my crockpot, and the only thing I've managed to recreate well everytime has been soup, LOL. About time I practiced I think!

Oh, and I'm down to my last assignment. I've set myself a deadline of bedtime tomorrow night. I've got an MDO (Mum's Day Off) planned for Friday and I haven't had one of those for weeks - I'd normally go once a week (for errands mostly) but I've been telling myself no days out until I finish my study, LOL.

My head hurts just thinking about tomorrow's mammoth study effort. See you on the flip side!



Winterwood said...

been lurking here for ages now - love the blog and get lots of info from it...also live in OZ.

Lizzie said...

Nice to meet you garden girl!

Glad you like the blog :) Most of the time its me just prattling on these days - there's a lot of other priorities right now, LOL - but in the next few weeks I'll be putting up a few more 'homey' posts and a couple more templates.

That's the plan anyway, LOL.


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