Saturday, July 25, 2009

A Perfect Day

So it's winter here. Cold, wet and miserable about nine-tenths of the time. Although to be fair, winter in South Australia is laughable when held up against, say, a Canadian winter. I'm pretty sure our summers beat you though.

But today, in a rare glimpse of the spring weather not due for another couple of months, it was all blue skies and gorgeous sunny weather. Still under my preferred temperature, of course, but nice.

The plan was to head out to a local furniture warehouse (we're in desperate need of a sofa bed after our only guest bed - an air mattress - sprung a leak) but thenTalented Hubby announced there was a little place he'd like to go visit, somewhere we hadn't been before, and so we planned to do that afterward.

So that's how we found ourselves at Waterfall Gully.

You know how there are days sometimes when you don't do anything terribly interesting except just drive somewhere, but somehow those days turn out to be the best days of all? The waterfall wasn't very big, as far as waterfalls go, and Lord knows Jay was pushing all my buttons, but the day was just solidly GOOD.

Waterfall Gully reminded me of the place I grew up, in rural Victoria. Lots of hills, tall eucalyptus trees, a babbling creek. It made me think again that perhaps we're doing our kids a disservice by not experiencing the country lifestyle the way both Talented Hubby and I did as children. I even had me a bit of a 'connecting with nature' moment while we were out there, LOL.

Talented Hubby, of course, took his camera. He just bought a fancy filter something-or-other (I've long since given up trying to decipher 'photo-geek-speak', LOL) and was just itching to give it a workout. He took the picture you see above, although this shot makes the falls look enormous when in reality, that little pool was just of 'paddling size'. These were actually the secondary falls with the main waterfall down the hill a little. I could just see one of the kids toppling head over heels into that water and I imagine during summer you'd be hard-pressed getting little kids OUT of the water as it's such a busy spot, but it was the type of place where you'd park yourself with a sandwich and a notebook and just write, or perhaps read a good devotional. Inspiring in the simplest sense, which is the best way to be, in my opinion :)

There won't be too many sunny days (well, predictably sunny, anyway) left in winter and even less that fall on one of TH's days off, but as soon as one pops up we're going to go back with a picnic lunch and our hiking boots. There are walking trails all around the area and it appears to be quite the local fitness haunt. Busy, but not in an oppressive we-should-have-gone-somewhere-else kind of way.

Just a simple, beautiful, calm sort of day. Happy sigh.


River said...

I've never yet been to Waterfall Gully either. I've heard it's lovely and I'd like to try the walking trails. I'll have to check the bus timetables and see which one gets me there from here.
Great photo TH.

Lizzie (admin) said...

River - I didn't know you were in my city! (Or perhaps I did and I'm supressing? Has been known to happen, LOL)

It really was a lovely spot, well worth it. Take a picnic! The carpark can be a little crowded though so first thing in the morning or late in the afternoon might be better.

Sarah said...

sydney has been unseasonably warm. its been a bit creepy actually.

i wish there was somewhere like that around here i could take the kids. the closest thing we have is the stormwater system. oh fun fun fun.

River said...

Yep, I'm in your city. I've mentioned it a time or two.

Carpark can be as crowded as it likes. I don't drive so don't need to find parking space. I'm a public transport traveller.

Krafty Christy said...

We kind of had some off weather here in North Carolina last week. It was the mid 70's. They tell me that is more like October. Of course, this weekend it was back in the 90's, so it didn't last long. I'm starting to get a little tired of it!

Lizze, could you send me an email? I'd like to find out more about what your husband does, but I can't seem to find your email. THanks!

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