Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Things You Might Be Surprised To Learn About Lizzie

It's a weird kind of disjointed day around here. I can't put my finger on it. I'm still looking for my camera and it's not so much the pain of losing another one of my electronic children that bothers me as it is the idea that there's a riddle in all of this that I just can't quite work out. Did I take it to the library last week or did I leave it at home? Did I properly check inside each of the million eco green shopping bags that litter our house or did I inadvertently toss one in the bin? Did I do a recent back-up of my memory card or ere there any embarrassing arms-length self portraits on there that will one day end up on Awkward Family Photos? It's the not knowing that is driving me batty!

To pass the time, here's some bullety magic. I present to you, "Weird Things You Didn't Know About Lizzie"
  • Perpetuated by a nickname given to me by my father, I spent much of my early childhood convinced I was The Weather Witch and could predict rain by laying on my back and pointing my toes to the sky like a deranged human Ouija board. The idea being, whichever direction my legs/toes swung, thereafter would produce rainclouds (I did not say all of these things were completely sane...)

  • Pick the wrong answer: I have NOT had a piercing in a) my nose, b) my ears, c) my lower lip or d) my belly button.

  • I will never, ever voluntarily allow tuna to pass my lips (for full explanation, see all the trauma here). In this lifetime or the next (in MY Heaven, tuna is outlawed!)

  • When I put my iPod earbuds in, I can't put the 'L' one in my right ear. They're exactly the same, but I can't do it. It feels wrong.

  • I nearly severed my big toe when I was 3. My parents had a party and someone had dropped a bottle outside which had somehow bounced up and into a drainage ditch. I was riding my trike and fell off, and when I put my leg down to steady myself, my big toe neatly slid into the broken-off neck of the bottle and was promptly cut nearly the whole way around. I have vivid memories of that day, including one particularly lovely image of the top of my big toe popped off the bone like a flip-top lid. The scar is impressive and the story positively delights my boys, who (as boys of that age are apt to do) are totally into blood and gore.

  • I like symmetry. Having just one sidebar on the blog was messing with my head!

  • When I was eight or nine I would regularly read my older siblings (then 15-17) Year 11 or 12 assigned reading novels. For fun. This explains a lot. Siblings were unimpressed.

  • The first two CDs I ever bought was Celine Dion's "The Colour Of My Love" and Madonna's "Something To Remember". I'm glad to report my musical tastes have broadened somewhat.

  • I am right-handed but place my knife and fork in 'reverse' when setting the table (fork in right hand, knife in left).

  • I have twice won the 'design the cover of the class camp workbook' competition - once in Grade 5, the next in Year 10. I won a roll of Lifesavers the first time and free entry to the ice-skating rink for the second :)

  • I'm not a huge fan of icecream. I'll eat it, but not if there's chocolate around to take it's place!

  • When we had Year 11 work experience (1995) I chose the local (country) newspaper and spent a week looking over yellow archived copies and producing the "on this day in (insert old date here)" segment that ran that week. Things I learned from that experience: work experience kids get in the way and are generally put in the least accessible area of the building to compensate, and archive research - at least that covering a rural paper - is boring. There are only so many machinery expos and shows (fairs) one can take.

Plans for the rest of the day? A hot cup of tea and a good book top the list, followed closely by picking the kids up from school and wading through the mire that is All The After School Crazy.

Yay me.


River said...

Archive research sounds like heaven to me. Hidden away from people, reading old newspapers. I could handle that.

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