Saturday, July 11, 2009

It's Winter And I'm Hibernating, Okay?

It's not that I envy my Texan friends with their hundred-plus temperatures this week (um, hello? Exhibit A) but a little more warmth would be lovely. You know, so my bones don't seize up like a little old lady's when my feet hit the floor each morning.

Ironically, both Talented Hubby and I have been a little sick this week. My sickness could be exacerbated by cabin fever, sure, but 'lousy' is definitely the order of the day at the moment. After a long, hot, dry summer, this winter is turning out to be decidedly wet and it's raining nearly every day. I should have taken advantage of the beautiful sunny day on Thursday and hung some washing to dry. I should have, but I didn't. As a result we are drowning in unwashed laundry. I am still searching for the Perfect Laundry System. Alas, the quest remains.

It's school holidays at the moment. Here in Australia our school year runs from the last week in January until around mid-December. There are four terms consisting of about 10 weeks each (give or take) with a two week break in between each one, except at Christmas, when the break is 6 weeks over the main part of our summer. So we're about halfway through our school year at the moment. Boof turned 9 last weekend and hosted his first sleepover (just the one friend - and it just might have been the smartest thing I've done all year!) but other than that, we've not done too much. The kids have been fairly well behaved despite being cooped up, but we are going through a bit of a testing patch with Jay at the moment which is frustrating. Talented Hubby has some time off next week so we'll try to cram in some fun stuff then. Hopefully we'll both be operating on full steam.

I've also been working (yet again!) on my Price Book this week. I've decided to stop trying to make it small and cute and neat and just go with a full size binder with pages printed from Of course, I had to do everything the wrong way before I worked out the right, easy way, but whatever, LOL. Boof once again reprised his role of Chief Unit Price Calculator (I love that he loves this! A true geek after my own heart!) and away we went. It's amazing what becomes interesting after a solid week of children's television!

My to-do list for today? Go to my second home (aka the supermarket) for some basics, give the kids a simple recipe to make all on their own, and get stuck into that massive pile of laundry.

It almost makes me long for Spring.


River said...

Perfect Laundry System = nudity.
Of course if you follow that path your heating bills will cripple your economy.....
Perfect Laundry System = send the clothes out to be cleaned.
Of course if you follow that path your laundry bills will cripple your economy....
Guess there is no such thing as a Perfect Laundry System.

Pam said...

You say that now..... Spend a little time in Texas and you will soon change your mind. But, you are more then welcom to visit my great state any time.

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