Tuesday, July 28, 2009

There Are Just A Few Inanimate Objects I Love, But This Is One Of Them

I've lost my camera. Or maybe it's just buried under a pile of clutter. Either way, I can't find it. I'm not even exactly sure when it went missing. I have a vague recollection of taking it with me when I took the kids to the library and shops on the 19th (it's just as likely I brought it home afterward too) but I can't remember if I saw it at home after that.

This is causing me no end of stress. I mean, of all the things I could be worrying about, here I am freaking out over a little pile of plastic and metal. Compounding my distress is that the camera is worth almost $600 and is only nine months old. And there's a reasonable chance that it is, in fact, not buried under clutter here at home but was either dropped or stolen the last time I was at the shopping centre.

Also, I'm married to a lovely man who is very careful with money. To him, if the camera was dropped at/taken from my bag at the store, I may just as well have left six crisp $100 notes on the footpath and walked away.

After this (and the follow up here) just a year ago, you'd be right in assuming Talented Hubby is a wee bit frustrated, LOL.

At least security footage helped last time and we were able to be compensated the cost of the phone by the individual involved (albeit in fortnightly installments over several months). This time though, if the camera is in the hands of an unsavoury person, it's gone. Insurance won't cover it outside of the house. Poof! $600 down the toilet. Which is ironic considering the postscript to the last story (*wry smile*). We wouldn't be replacing it. At least with the phone we had the benefit of CCTV footage and a witness who identified the lad in question, sigh.

Also gone? 100+ photos - including identifying shots of my highly security-conscious husband, our children, and inside our house. TH works in a field where being randomly identified is not a good thing.


Pray it hasn't been stolen. Pray it's just time I cleaned house better. Sigh.


River said...

I do so hope that your camera is just lurking somewhere in your house.

Now *sternly*, are you one of those (irresponsible-don't hit me) shoppers who have their bag open with all contents visible sitting in the baby seat of the shopping trolley? So many of my customers STILL do this and I've lost count of the number of times I've reminded them that thieves are rampant in shopping centres. I don't want to make an enemy of you, but I'm siding with TH here. $600 is a LOT of money to lose through not being careful.

Lizzie @ Lizzie's Home said...

No, I'm usually really aware of my belongings...I even do the whole 'across the body' thing with bag straps. Trust me, in this family, and being married to the man I'm married to, I couldn't escape with anything less :P

I'm still not entirely convinced it's missing outside of the home at all. It's more likely I've misplaced it or its randomly stuck somewhere we don't normally look. Just to be safe I called two shopping centres (both went to last week), the cinemas (last Tues) and the library and left my name and number with all.

Major spring cleaning going on around here, lemme tell you :P

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