I like my TV. There, I said it.
I have a set list of shows I enjoy, and I've been known to get rather antsy if I have to miss them. We haven't yet made the switch to a DVD recorder, so on the days I can't watch a certain show, I tape it on the good ol' VHS. One of the main shows on my list is an Australian nightly half-hour soap called Home & Away. It's on at the same time as another show we watch, so I'd throw a tape in to worry about later.
The problem with this, is that I have to regularly clear the tapes. Which I don't do. Because I don't have the time.
Due to a variety of reasons, I found myself with NINE WEEKS of Home & Away to watch. That's five half hour episodes per week. Two-and-a-half hours. Or, rather, 22 ½ hours of ONE particular show. On top of this, I might also tape an additional 2 hours of TV per week. That's a grand total of 40.5 hrs of TV sitting on my shelf, waiting to be watched. At best, I might clear 2 or 3 hours worth per week.
So you're probably wondering why on earth I kept taping episodes knowing full well I would have trouble finding the time to watch them all.
For, well, forever, H&A was 'my' show. You know, the kind of show you'd get your best friend to tape for you if you go away on holiday lest you miss an important storyline. It was insanity. So for those 9 weeks I kept taping knowing that when I magically found the X hours a week to catch up, I wouldn't have missed anything.
But here's the interesting thing. After 9 weeks were up and I was running out of room on the old VHS tapes, I realised I really wasn't missing anything. It's easy to get caught up in storylines on TV and believe you have a real, honest reason for staying invested in them. That was me. And its so untrue. Even though I wasn't watching the episodes each night, just to keep my head above water I was having to find 2 ½ hours somewhere else in my week. It used to be a fun thing I did on Friday nights when DH was working and the kids were in bed. But stressing over those 2 ½ hours (and in reality, it was more like 4 ½ hours) was positively ludicrous.
I'm not perfect, and I'm still not ready to give up ALL of my TV time, but when I recently decided I didn't need this particular show and threw out all my tapes, I actually felt free, LOL. I just gained 2 ½ hours per week.
So, what activities or interests would you have a hard time giving up?
I have a set list of shows I enjoy, and I've been known to get rather antsy if I have to miss them. We haven't yet made the switch to a DVD recorder, so on the days I can't watch a certain show, I tape it on the good ol' VHS. One of the main shows on my list is an Australian nightly half-hour soap called Home & Away. It's on at the same time as another show we watch, so I'd throw a tape in to worry about later.
The problem with this, is that I have to regularly clear the tapes. Which I don't do. Because I don't have the time.
Due to a variety of reasons, I found myself with NINE WEEKS of Home & Away to watch. That's five half hour episodes per week. Two-and-a-half hours. Or, rather, 22 ½ hours of ONE particular show. On top of this, I might also tape an additional 2 hours of TV per week. That's a grand total of 40.5 hrs of TV sitting on my shelf, waiting to be watched. At best, I might clear 2 or 3 hours worth per week.
So you're probably wondering why on earth I kept taping episodes knowing full well I would have trouble finding the time to watch them all.
For, well, forever, H&A was 'my' show. You know, the kind of show you'd get your best friend to tape for you if you go away on holiday lest you miss an important storyline. It was insanity. So for those 9 weeks I kept taping knowing that when I magically found the X hours a week to catch up, I wouldn't have missed anything.
But here's the interesting thing. After 9 weeks were up and I was running out of room on the old VHS tapes, I realised I really wasn't missing anything. It's easy to get caught up in storylines on TV and believe you have a real, honest reason for staying invested in them. That was me. And its so untrue. Even though I wasn't watching the episodes each night, just to keep my head above water I was having to find 2 ½ hours somewhere else in my week. It used to be a fun thing I did on Friday nights when DH was working and the kids were in bed. But stressing over those 2 ½ hours (and in reality, it was more like 4 ½ hours) was positively ludicrous.
I'm not perfect, and I'm still not ready to give up ALL of my TV time, but when I recently decided I didn't need this particular show and threw out all my tapes, I actually felt free, LOL. I just gained 2 ½ hours per week.
So, what activities or interests would you have a hard time giving up?
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