Sunday, March 8, 2009

Snap Back To Reality

I suppose its about time I tap back into this blogging thing. To be honest, the nearly-70 posts I copy-pasted between Wednesday and Friday last week kind of sucked all my blogging energy out of me. Twitter was about all I could manage.

I don't have anything terribly exciting to add to the mix tonight (it's 12:38am - who writes anything coherant in the middle of the night anyway?) but I do have posts lined up for the coming week that have been on the backburner for a few days, so keep an eye out for those.

Plans for tomorrow include hitting the supermarket as it opens to get milk because Talented Hubby either ignored or forgot to check his mobile for text messages as he was leaving work. Consequently he missed my last-minute request to pick up milk on the way home, which means toast for all for breakfast and let me tell you, that's going to go down a treat in our family of cereal-lovers. We have exactly one tablespoon of milk left and I have claimed it for my morning cup of tea. A pox on anyone who tries to drink it. Mama needs her happy juice.

Then I have three children to round up and make clean their rooms (this is always a lot of fun to force on an autistic child - what can I say? I treat 'em all equally horribly!) Then there's four or five baskets of laundry to cycle through - most of which won't get done tomorrow - because I'm ashamed to admit I didn't get back into the clothes side of things when I started feeling better a couple of weeks ago. I refuse to wash anything until those rooms are clean though, because I have a particular problem with putting clothes away and knowing I have somewhere to actually put them definitely helps. Then, because I'll have lots of clean sheets and towels I'll need to clean out the linen cupboard - that's always a barrel of laughs. The dreaded Housework Snowball. Soon as you do one job, it feeds on to another, then another and then - gasp! - before you know it the entire house is clean and honestly, where's the fun in having a clean house when the doorbell rings unexpectedly? Everybody knows people only visit when the house is messy. I would lose my social contact, and we can't have that.

I have a blood donation appointment Tuesday. So far, I am happy to report, I have not lost a limb, had a crane fall on my house, or contracted Ebola virus. All of which I fully expected to happen given my track record with having to cancel my appointments - I haven't been since last September due to chicken pox, a distinct and unique medical issue and pneumonia. I donate plasma, so I can go every 2 weeks but I have chosen to comply with Talented Hubby's work schedule so that means every three weeks on a Tuesday. I make a day of it. It's awesome, I love it. And I've missed it.

MUST GET ORGANIZED. Have been treading water for so many weeks now and can't seem to get myself out of this rut. Sleep. Need sleep.



Amy said...

Don't I understand about the house cleaning. I hate it, but feel good knowing its ready for unexpected visitors.
I love your blog, and truthfully don't remember how I stumbled on it.

River said...

I love housecleaning. Unfortunately, hubby won't let me do much. He claims I need to save my strength for going to work. Leave it to me, he says, but then he doesn't do it either........
Do you go all the way in to Pirie St to donate? Me too. My next appointment isn't until the first week in May. Last time I went, I forgot to make sure I'd had enough fluid, got all dizzy and nauseous. They laid me on the floor and gave me drinks and oxygen before sending me home in a taxi.

Lizzie said...

Good grief River! Nope, I donate in Currie St, right in the heart of the city. We originally picked there because our more local hospital's blood clinic is open at weird afternoon times that clash with the school run. I loved the staff so much I decided to always go there. It's a bit of a hike in from where I am in the south but I combine it with my MDO (Mum's Day Off) and make a day of it, coming home in the late afternoon :)

River said...

Currie Street? Didn't know there was one there. I know the Pirie Street one well, can get there blindfolded, well almost, heh.

Lizzie said...

Oh yeah, there's totally one there - the state headquarters, LOL. Right across the road from the TAFE.

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