Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Lizzie's Thirty By Thirty List

Watch me try to accomplish everything on this list before my 30th birthday on October 3rd, 2009!

(These are in no particular order :)

Lizzie’s “Thirty by Thirty”
  1. Get my driver’s licence (believe it or not, I have never held a fully-fledged licence).
  2. Visit the art gallery - alone - and really study the paintings (completed 10-Mar-09...and it was so much fun!)
  3. Have three articles published (in print).
  4. Walk 500 deliberate kilometres (311 miles - its not an ultra-ambitious goal, but it is an achievable one).
  5. Taste three entirely new foods or meals (not just minor changes to, say, the sauce or something - it has to be something I’ve never tasted before).
  6. Wear more skirts (first port of call - see no. 12 and no. 20!)
  7. Walk the City to Bay ‘09 (12 kms/7.5 miles, next September) in under 2 hours. (The City to Bay is a local fun run/walk. I’ve done 2:10 and 2:04 in previous years but missed ‘07 and ‘08 due to family commitments and a less-than-stellar fitness level).
  8. Spend a weekend in Sydney or Melbourne with Talented Hubby ‘just because’ (even if we never see the outside of the hotel room - tee hee! In the works for October as a 30th birthday trip - taking poetic licence on the 'by thirty' part on this one as it might be after the 3rd!)
  9. Re-read the Anne of Green Gables series.
  10. Attend an all-night movie marathon (for some reason, this intrigues me. And I’m just about nerdy enough to try it).
  11. Ride a rollercoaster (I’m deathly afraid of them!)
  12. Get down to my goal weight.
  13. 'Pay it foward’ to someone really deserving.
  14. Try a new sport (I’m not a sporty person).
  15. Watch all of the Best Picture Oscar winners, 1979-2009 (it's a bit confusing, but that’s the listed winners - 31 in total - between 1978 and 2008, with the actual ceremony dates being 1979 (year of my birth) to 2009 (year of my 30th). For progress on this list, see this post.
  16. Re-read Austen’s best (Pride & Prejudice, Sense & Sensibility, Emma, Persuasion, Northanger Abbey, Mansfield Park).
  17. Do one totally crazy thing - something nobody would ever think I’d do (completed - attended Easter Sunday service, 12-Apr-09!)
  18. Post on the blog for thirty days straight (completed - NaBloPoMo '08!)
  19. Host a dinner party (I’m not a natural entertainer).
  20. Go an entire month without chocolate (gulp!)
  21. Sit for professional photos of myself (I’m normally camera-shy - thankfully with TH’s camera skills this won’t cost the earth!)
  22. Start a vegetable garden - and actually grow something to ‘edible stage’.
  23. Make household routines habit.
  24. Work my way through Janette Oke’s entire back catalogue.
  25. Go on a real camping trip with the family (the last time I was in a tent, we were without children).
  26. Attend a birthday party as the guest of honour (I haven’t had a proper party for myself since high school - I reckon a thirtieth is a good place to start again. TH? Are you taking notes? LOL)
  27. Cook and bake more; rely on packaged snackfood less.
  28. Re-acquaint myself with the sewing machine and redwork embroidery (even a doofus like me can’t muck up redwork!)
  29. Spend a weekend entirely alone (no kids, no husband - no noise!)
  30. Master Lynn Nelson’s ‘Busy Cooks’ Pyramid‘ method of menu planning (by far one of the simplest and most cohesive approaches I’ve seen!)

Bonus Credit ~ Actually witnessing an unscripted, unsolicited comment by Talented Hubby here on Lizzie’s Home. I think I would keel over, LOL.

Updates marked in red.

*originally posted on and transplanted here


Mrs Jelly said...

Oh great! Someone else who is younger than me :o(

Me and my bestest friend are doing one of your things in May. We've booked into a hotel on a Saturday night and we're just going to sit and enjoy the silence for 2 days!

Lizzie said...

I am used to being the youngest...think it comes from the fact that Talented Hubby and I started our family so young...we were the youngest in our prenatal class by over ten years, and when my kids were in kindergarten I was in my mid twenties when most of the other mums were in their early to mid thirties. It's wierd how that works...I tend to slip into an 'older people hold more authority' mindset by default when, after three kids and one major disability, I've probably got some tricks I could teach THEM, not the other way 'round, LOL.

I'm pretty sure Hubs and I won't be sitting still if/when we do our weekend! LOL.

Ooooh, I'm so happy I got access to the blog again. I don't know how its working out, still no emails from web host (I only noticed I could log in again by accident this morning, when checking my Statcounter page...noticed I had a few hits on in the last day or so since I'd last checked...thought that was a bit strange...had another go at typing the URL in the addy bar and bob's your uncle, there I was. Wonder what would have happened if I'd missed it though. I'm scared to go to bed tonight without finishing the transfers but on the other hand I have just done in a few sessions over one day what I had originally been doing at a rate of about 3 posts a day before all this - I think its something like 39 so far today. And I've chosen not to upload like 20 as I've sorted through them all.

Kudos to Very Commerce for doing the right thing though.

River said...

I'd try this, but thirty is so far behind me....

Lizzie (admin) said...

LOL River - Forty by Forty? Fifty by Fifty? Aim high! Tee hee...

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