Time for a little Linky Love!
Touch It Once (I hate it when the answer is this simple!)
Is Your Definition Of Clean A Mystery? (I'm so doing this...)
Cleaning By Zone (ahhh, so that's why I had kids! Wait! I have 11 rooms and only 3 children! Oh Talented Hubbeeeee........LOL)
A Laundry Routine (I have a ten year old. Mwah ha ha!)
...all from Pretty Organized Palace. I just discovered this blog this morning, and I love it. Six kids' worth of laundry would probably kill me, however :P
All's Fair In Love And War (June Cleaver After A Six-Pack). Love this blog with a passion but I must say, if I tried this one on Talented Hubby he'd go seventeen shades of white and there'd probably be some sort of vomit incident. He already knows I'm clucky like 98.7% of the time, LOL.
On Reducing Clutter, Again (HappyMama). Be still my perpetually disorganized heart...
Climbing Out Of The Mess - Day 1 (Laurel Plum Online). How did I not know about this blog until this week? It's a lot like Small Notebook and Simple Mom, two of my very favourite blogs. This post also reminds me of this article.
Dear Ally (6 Year Med). This gal always makes me feel, I don't know - human.
Poor David...I Feel Ya (Whatever). I'm sorry, but every time I watch this, I crack up! Boof once 'scalped' himself on the edge of a metal mailbox and required stitches in his head. They gave him some 'loopy' medicine which saw him carry on in much the same fashion most of that afternoon and as worried as we had been earlier in the day (head wounds bleed like crazy), his spaced-out behaviour had us rolling on the floor. Fun-eee (not funny of course, is the information included in this post on Cora Paige and the wonderful work being done in her honour - check out the links).
Breaking Up With Facebook Is Hard To Do (OC Register). Something I'm struggling with lately.
Why I Stockpile (Moms Need To Know). I'm moving toward this approach myself.
Happy clickin'!
Touch It Once (I hate it when the answer is this simple!)
Is Your Definition Of Clean A Mystery? (I'm so doing this...)
Cleaning By Zone (ahhh, so that's why I had kids! Wait! I have 11 rooms and only 3 children! Oh Talented Hubbeeeee........LOL)
A Laundry Routine (I have a ten year old. Mwah ha ha!)
...all from Pretty Organized Palace. I just discovered this blog this morning, and I love it. Six kids' worth of laundry would probably kill me, however :P
All's Fair In Love And War (June Cleaver After A Six-Pack). Love this blog with a passion but I must say, if I tried this one on Talented Hubby he'd go seventeen shades of white and there'd probably be some sort of vomit incident. He already knows I'm clucky like 98.7% of the time, LOL.
On Reducing Clutter, Again (HappyMama). Be still my perpetually disorganized heart...
Climbing Out Of The Mess - Day 1 (Laurel Plum Online). How did I not know about this blog until this week? It's a lot like Small Notebook and Simple Mom, two of my very favourite blogs. This post also reminds me of this article.
Dear Ally (6 Year Med). This gal always makes me feel, I don't know - human.
Poor David...I Feel Ya (Whatever). I'm sorry, but every time I watch this, I crack up! Boof once 'scalped' himself on the edge of a metal mailbox and required stitches in his head. They gave him some 'loopy' medicine which saw him carry on in much the same fashion most of that afternoon and as worried as we had been earlier in the day (head wounds bleed like crazy), his spaced-out behaviour had us rolling on the floor. Fun-eee (not funny of course, is the information included in this post on Cora Paige and the wonderful work being done in her honour - check out the links).
Breaking Up With Facebook Is Hard To Do (OC Register). Something I'm struggling with lately.
Why I Stockpile (Moms Need To Know). I'm moving toward this approach myself.
Happy clickin'!
I'm so glad you did find me! I'm laughing because right now I am anything BUT efficient! My kitchen is a disaster from painting and It's spring break with 6 kids at home. Can you believe the older kids are helping and doing extra jobs for 1 movie ticket on Friday?!?!?! Amazing what motivates these little punkins.
What a fun linky post!
Pretty Organizer
Hey, I pay my daughter (7) to rub my back - it's a win-win situation! LOL.
Hey! I just found where you linked to me. I am blushing about the comparisons {swoon}. Rachel found me early and I fell in love with her immediately. She is such an amazing person.
I really love your tag line and your links. Everything looks so charming! I am going to look around some more and I am subscribing. Nice to meet you!
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