Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Google Reader Overflowing? Have I Got The Solution For You!

A quick way to cut your Google Reader subscription list down:
  1. Take a sheet of paper and a pen.

  2. List as many of your favourite blogs as you can (odds are, only the very favourites will spring to mind).

  3. Delete everything that didn't make the cut!
I defy you to list more than 30 before you draw a blank. For me, that's a cull of - oh, I don't know - ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FIVE.

Whatever would I do with all that free time?! LOL.


Tina @ Mummified Times Five said...

I really need to do this. Lately I've just been using the delete button because I just don't have time.

River said...

I could cull my favourites list to 15 and save myself a few hous a day.

Kelly said...

Ack... I don't think I can do that. I actually have this post marked as unread as a reminder that I SHOULD do it. But... what if I miss something really good? What if... yeah, there's really no good reason NOT to do this, is there?
I've already (slowly) trimmed it from 250 down to 99, but blog reading is still eating up too much of my day, and giving me an excuse not to actually POST.

Lizzie (admin) said...

Kay, what I found with having so many subscriptions is that I almost NEVER read all the new messages. I skim the titles of everything and open/click through *perhaps* 20%. I kind of had an epiphany this week - why have so many subs if a large chunk of them get regularly skipped over? Don't get me wrong, the whole exercise is horrible and brutal and like deciding which of my kids I love the most, but in an effort to streamline and simplify, something had to give.

And it's okay to fall 'out of like' with some of the bigger bloggers too! You won't fall over if you don't know what's going on. A lot of the time I'll follow via twitter (easier to scan, and alot will tweet when a new blog post is up anyway). You kind of have to employ the Declutter Principle - people always advocate throwing out or donating things you haven't worn/liked/needed for a while...same thing.

And, don't know about you, but the weird sense of accomplishment I'm feeling this morning as I open my Google Reader gave me a big kick, LOL. I can now actually read something like 95% of the new posts.

Ask yourself this question - would you keep a pair of jeans that no longer fit, just because you remember what you felt like wearing them five years (and ten pounds) ago? There are whole wardrobes filled with safari suits and velour leisurewear based on that principle!

And also, the blogs you delete won't fall off the face of the earth. You probably 'caught' them in the first place because you followed a 'linky brick road' based on your personal interests - and the same thing will happen again. You *will* come across good content no matter whether you're subbing or not and Bloggityville won't self-destruct if you hit the 'unsubscribe' button!

Just my 2c (see, even my comments are longer now I have the time to write them! LOL)

Sarah said...

i still visit all the blogs i read each day from my bookmarks folder.

if i find a new blog i like, i bookmark it so i dont forget it, but if i decide i dont like it any more, or i cant be bothered to read it more than once a week, the link gets deleted.

if i DO still like it, i slot it into my folder in a fitting place (i have to read everything in the same order every day). i think i have less than 25 that i read on a regular basis and about 10 that i dont read regularly but couldnt bear to delete the links of because when i DO decide to read them i really enjoy them...

am i wierd?

mrs. fuzz said...

There are so many great blogs that are worth reading and that I've gotten great ideas,but I've noticed there are definitely the ones I come back to time and time again and the ones I look at every few months just because google reminds me. What to do. . .

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