Friday, May 29, 2009

The One Where Lizzie Checks In

So apparently there's this device...and you type words into it...and they magically appear on screen in something new-fangled called a BLOG POST. Perhaps you guys have heard about it?

Auuuugh, I'm struggling this week. Tomorrow is the anniversary of Mum's passing and I'm heading out in the morning to drop a flower in the ocean but as luck would have it, I have the flu. Caught it off Talented Hubby, who ("conveniently") happens to be Mr Germ Catcher. This week brought me right back to the feeling I got when I was sick back in February. At least this time, there's progression and phlegm and stuff like that, which is actually a good thing. But today? I took a Codral flu tablet - and a THREE HOUR nap. Choirs of angels sung, let me tell you. It's too early to theorize on an end to the whole shebang but it's definitely different to the last bout of illness and for that I am supremely grateful.

My brand new sewing machine sits (mostly) unused, which is an absolute tragedy! That's her in the above pic. I had so many grand plans for becoming acquainted with her (yes, my sewing machine is a girl) and so far all I've managed in a week is a half-hearted attempt at a softie. Just can't lift the scissors. Soon, my pretty. Soon....

Is anyone else a cool fabric hoarder too? I keep going into the brand-new-just-opened fabric store near me and finding the cutest cotton prints and cool flannels. An idea is forming in my mind - more to come soon - but for the most part, I fall in love with a print, get it home, and can't bring myself to mar it's beauty by cutting into it!

And with that thought, I'm off in search of the last of the household chocolate. Totally legitimate when you're sick :P


Sarah said...

I've been banned form buying fabric. I have this unfortunate habit where I start something.. then never get round to finishing it. SO hubby has decreed that I am not allowed to uy any more fabric until I finish at least 2 projects..

And even though my mother has 30yrs worth of fabric stash in the sewing room, theres so much OTHER stuff piled up in there that I can't get to it, OR the hundred odd patterns she's got stored in there, OR any of my half finished projects. Which means its very difficult for me to finish anything, and therefor be able to buy more fabric to use instead of the stuff i cant get to! Vicious cycle.. :(

Lizzie (admin) said...

LOL....I had a win at the Salvos the other day - two pieces of fabric (haven't measured them, but guessing 2+ metres each) that someone obviously bought and never made anything with. They're actual fabric rather than something like a tablecloth but I was really quite impressed with the range of cool (often retro) things there. I almost bought a bedspread with a lovely rose print on it so I could rip it apart and make something. Actually said no because I was already laden up with bags and wouldn't have been able to carry it home on the bus...the stuff I did get though only cost $2 per piece (so perhaps $1 or less per metre each) and its an awesome bluish paisley - love it, LOL.

River said...

Mmmmm, fabric...

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