Thursday, May 14, 2009

My Current Basic Daily Plan

Those that know me well will testify to the fact that I love lists, schedules and routines. A blank notebook and a pen gets me excited every time (oh, the possibilities!) and there's a deep sense of satisfaction to be had when you've got your routine down on paper.

I've recently done some minor tweaking to my Basic Daily Plan, so ta da! Here it is:

Morning Routine

  • Rise early (6:00)
  • Let Charlie out
  • Head start on housework (start laundry, empty dishwasher - you know, the automatic stuff your caffeine-deprived brain can actually handle first thing out of bed!)
  • Quiet Time (over breakfast)
  • School day prep (begin by 7:00)
  • Feed Charlie (change water)
(School run)

  • Laundry (reboot machine, hang, sort - 15 mins tops)
  • Dinner prep / exercise
  • Housework (To Do List, Basic Weekly Plan - I generally carve out 11:00 am to 1:00 pm for this)
Afternoon Routine
  • Baking
  • Home Project (organizing, sewing etc)
  • Free time
(School run)
  • Prepare snack
  • Supervise reading and homework
  • Laundry (fold, hang, iron, put away - whatever needs doing)
  • Finish dinner prep / exercise
  • Feed Charlie (check water)
(Dinner - 6:30)
Evening Routine
  • Kitchen clean up (around 7:00)
  • Kids' baths / showers, brush teeth
  • General tidy up
  • Lay out clothes for tomorrow (including the adults)
  • School lunches
  • Load washing machine
(Kids' bedtime - 8:30)
  • Free time
  • Take Charlie outside
  • Shower, prep for bed (10:00)
  • Go to bed early (by 11:00)
You'll notice that there are two 'dinner prep / exercise' entries. Trying to be consistent with my exercise routine was failing miserably, so I had to come up with an alternative. Also, I really quite like walking at 'pre-twilight' time of the late afternoon - my walk often takes me up some local hills and the view of the sunset from up there is spectacular. Since I'm never going to be a morning exerciser (seriously? you have got to be joking!), I'm left with two options for a walk - right after I drop the kids off at school (and before the day drags the energy from me kicking and screaming) or in the late afternoon/early evening, when it's a far more zen-like experience (I've had more than my fair share of 'quiet time moments' atop the local hills, that's for sure :) Unfortunately, Talented Hubby works a rotating roster which means sometimes he's home (to watch the kids) and sometimes he's not. Having two windows for exercise each day allows me to be a bit more flexible. I 'piggy-back' this on dinner prep too - if I've gone for a morning walk, then I prep in the evening. If I know I'll be walking later in the afternoon, I'll get as much dinner prep done as I can in the morning, so that all I'll need to do is leave simple reheating instructions for Talented Hubby later. Win-win!

I've also come to understand a few things about myself over the last few years that I've worked with a Basic Daily Plan. For starters, my energy is SHOT come lunchtime. I've tried scheduling exercise or housework during the hours between lunch and school pick up and it has always been a spectacular failure. I've discovered - and I can't believe it took me so long to work this out - that my day goes far more smoothly if I get what must be done out of the way before I sit down for lunch. Deep cleaning, serious household tasks and so on all get done early in the day. The wonderful benefit of all of this morning craziness is that my afternoons are generally my own. I'm trying to establish a routine of baking a little something each day (instead of a 'Baking Day' on the weekend, as has been my habit in the past). So as soon as lunch is finished with (around 1:30 give or take), I'll whip up something and pop it in the oven and then kick back a little - do some sewing, watch a little TV, clean out a cupboard. Nothing very taxing. I'm rested (without needing a nap, but that's always another option!) by the time the kids come home from school and the next crazy phase of the day begins. It also gives me a block of time every day in which to create, something I really wanted to promote.

You'll also notice I prefer to keep specific times out of the equation. I've tried that before on many occasions and I've found having a looser 'block style' plan works much better for me. Where times are helpful, I've noted that in brackets.

So there you have it! Are you a planner/list maker like me? What kind of schedule - if any at all - fits you best?


River said...

I never planned my days much when the kids were little and in school, there was a routine but it was already so ingrained I didn't need to make schedules etc. I'm one of those lucky people who often know what time it is just by the things I've managed to get done. I used to know exactly how long it took to do this or that thing. (different now, of course, no kids, no schedule). The one thing I did different from you, is I had the kids after school snacks prepared and on the table before I left to pick them up, except for drinks. I always had all the major tasks done before lunch, it's what my mum always did so I just picked it up from there. Next day prep was done after dinner, with the kids doing their own prep, making sure homework was in school bags, pencils sharpened, notes signed, then bags were placed by the front door, ready to go as soon as lunchboxes were added after breakfast. It's a great way to run a household in my opinion.

nellbe said...

I love this post, thanks so much for sharing it. I have no routine like that as such yet... I should and I shall but my tired pregnant brain cannot cope with that at the moment.

Sarah said...

actually i find it easier to do housework in the afternoons. my mornings are spent in a bit of a fog i have trouble waking up, and it takes a few hours for my body to get into gear.

theres also the added motivation of "WAAAAAAAAA!! husband will be home in three hours and the house looks like a bomb hit it!!!" which isnt there if i try and clean in the morning

Lizzie (admin) said...

Sarah, that's affectionately known as the "Hubby Hustle" around here!!!

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