Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Slow News Day - What Else But A Meme?

Gosh, these ‘blehs’ just won’t quit! In response, a meme. Seen at Notes From The Cookie Jar and shamefully stolen. I have fifteen minutes before the school run. Lets see if I can crank this baby out…


The A to Z of Lizzie
(the meme is not actually called that. Would be cool if it was and you all had to write things about me, but alas - no)

Accent: I sound completely normal. It’s all you Americans with your fancy Hollee-wood movies who sound funny! (LOL).

Breakfast or no breakfast: I “should” have breakfast. And I “usually” have breakfast. It’s just what I ultimately end up choosing for breakfast may be a smidgeon questionable…

Chore I don’t care for: Just one? Uh… I guess cleaning the toilet? I have two boys. All I can say is, there’s a reason why Mama prefers to use the private ensuite!

Dog or Cat: Neither. I’m a human. Thanks for asking. No, we don’t have a pet but everyone in the family except for Talented Hubby desperately wants a dog. We have a five seater sedan and at last count we had (*counts on fingers*) two adults and three children using it. It would make it really difficult to take Juicy (Moo’s choice, made when she was about four) out on a family trip. I’m pretty sure it’s not safe or legal to have her (the dog, not Moo) sit in the space where the kids’ legs go. Buying a second car (station wagon) seems a little extreme, even for a much-wanted dog.

Essential Electronics: Easy schmeasy. My laptop and my iPod. If I’m not on one, I’m plugged into the other. Makes doing the dishes less ‘poke my eyeball out with a rusty fork’ and far more ‘if I listen to a foreign language podcast while scraping crud from the dinner plates, will it make me smarter?’ See? Everybody wins.

Favorite Cologne: Hmmm. Perfume is one of those things I wish I could justify spending loads of money on but neeeeeever quite get to that point. A few bucks on some body spray and I’m pretty much set. I sometimes buy the cheaper brands but according to Talented Hubby he thinks most of what I spray ends up on the floor anyway because I do the ’spray a cloud and walk through’ caper. What would he know? LOL.

Gold or Silver: Not a massive jewellery fan for above economical reasons. And also necklaces and rings aren’t very practical when you have small kids so I just got used to not wearing them. The only jewellery I wear with semi-regularity are my wedding and engagement rings, and occasionally a teeny tiny dolphin locket TH gave me on my eighteenth birthday (when he was still young, still trainable, and without any offspring or a mortgage to suck up all his moolah!) and a (fake) diamond bracelet I chose from amongst my mother’s things when she passed away two years ago. Handbag I carry most often: I’m so boring with my handbags (purses for you Americans…sheesh! LOL) I use one for all occasions until I get sick of it or it gets damaged. Then I buy another (on sale, and not very expensive at that) and use that to death as well. I don’t ‘tandem-purse’. I’ve never been a big accessories gal. Ditto for shoes.

Insomnia: No, the exact opposite. I am the idiot on the bus who falls asleep sitting up then freaks out when going around corners. Yes, that one. I now have to intraveneously inject myself with caffeine five minutes before stepping foot on public transport…and continuously pinch the fleshy part between my thumb and forefinger. But not too much. I could pass out. Clearly not the intended plan.

Job Title: Uhhh….Special Consultant to the Office of Perpetual Professional Procrastinators? Deputy Manager of Hitting The Snooze Button Eleventy-Four Times Each Morning? No seriously, I have a great job. I just don’t get paid for it.

Kids: Three. Sometimes four. But only if he’s annoying me.

Living Arrangements: Eeking out the typical suburban experience, complete with trampolene and dead houseplants.

Naughtiest Childhood Behavior: Mixing up ‘goop’ from the contents of the pantry (flour, soy sauce, salad dressing, soup, you name it), climbing onto the (low) roof overhanging the kitchen (back) door, and dumping it on top of one of my brothers head as he walked past. I was maybe 7 and he was 16 or so. He could run a LOT faster than I could.

Naughtiest Adult Behavior: Uhhh…(*looks around nervously*) Why? Who have you been talking to?

Overnight hospital stays: Twice. No, technically three times. Two involved births (not counting my own). Master J was four weeks early and developed jaundice, requiring a week-long post-partum stay while they zapped him with the Groovy Artificial Lights. And later when Miss Moo was born, it was my own battle-scarred body that was to blame. I’d been induced, on my due date, due to hypertension - but when my blood pressure didn’t stabilize after the evacuation of the Wee One, they kept me in hospital for five days immediately preceding Christmas ‘01, dosed me up on BP meds and woke me every two hours ROUND THE CLOCK to stick the cuff on again. And in case you were wondering, yes, the alternate two hour cycle belonged to Moo. Fun times. This was the very same Christmas where my entire family was finally in one place at the same time - in my own town no less - after the many and varied children, spouses and grandchildren had scattered to the wind. I think they eventually let me go home on Christmas Eve because they saw the determination in my eye, the emotionally-facillitated milk letdown on my chest and the high-pitched “IF YOU DO NOT LET ME LEAVE THIS HEINOUS MEDICAL ESTABLISHMENT - STAT!- YOU’LL SEE JUST HOW HIGH MY BLOOD PRESSURE CAN GET!!!” in my throat. Ahem. Oh, and once when I got the worst case I’ve ever had of food poisoning and ended up on a drip on an emergency room guerney with the Wee (four month old) One attached to the breast on the other side. Also plenty of fun.

Phobias: Losing one of my children, closely followed by something happening to Talented Hubby at his high-risk job. Oh, and I hate the really tiny snakes. Big ones are bad enough, but the small ones TERRIFY me.

Quote: “My second favorite household chore is ironing. My first being hitting my head on the top bunk bed until I faint.” (Erma Bombeck, literary genius)

Reason to smile: We are here, we are healthy, we have enough money to more than comfortably live on, and I was the first person in our family to get a 100% song on Guitar Hero when no.2 came out last year. Never mind that the level was set to ‘easy’ - or that Talented Hubby subsequently and freakishly broke all natural records thereafter - I was FIRST. Just like my A+ blood type. TH has a rarer type, but you can’t get any higher than an A-plus, so pfffft!

Siblings: Three, all older. Sister, at seven years older, is the nearest to me in age, and I have two brothers. I was the proverbial ‘accident’.Time I wake up: Anytime after the third throttling of the snooze button or the seventeeth knock on the bedroom door followed by the wails of hungry children, whichever comes first.

Unusual Talent or Skill: You mean apart from being born with the ’smartest’ blood type? Oh, okay. Um…I’m drawing a blank.

Vegetable I Refuse to Eat: I’m with ScatteredMom on this one - Brussels sprouts. Shudder.

Worst Habit: I’ve been known to (very femininely, obviously) let out a wee snore from time to time.

X-rays: Not in recent memory. I’ve never actually broken a bone but I remember having xrays after nearly severing my big toe when I was three.

Yummy Stuff: Peanut M&Ms. Sigh.

Zoo Animal I Like Most: Meerkats. Or the sea lions. Or the orang-utans.


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