Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Head, It Is Exploding

Okay - I get the whole ‘household turned upside down due to chicken pox’ caper. Honestly, I do. And I understood that throwing autism into the mix wasn’t ever going to make it a picnic. But aughhh! We didn’t leave the house for days and days. And then J started to get better (scabs are falling off! Woohoo!), the hives thing turned out to be a storm in a teacup, and its still roses and rainbows in regards to Boof and Moo so far avoiding their own poxy spots. Life was good folks.

And then, because Someone Up There figured I probably needed a dose of humility, both Talented Hubby and I got sick.

Thankfully not with the chicken pox. No, just colds. But no ordinary colds. Oh, no sirree. These are those nasty Kick-You-In-The-Katooshie variants. I’ve had terrible, terrible sinus issues. I don’t normally have allergy problems and though headaches are nothing new to me, sinus headaches aren’t something I’ve had to deal with in a very long time, if ever. So it’s totally yeowch territory around here at the moment.

I can’t take the pain relievers fast enough. I also got a case of The Snots (sorry…but its true) so my face was pretty much unrecognisable due to puffiness, tears (the kind you get when you have your tenth failed sneeze in a row) and red nostrils from playing Plug The Drip on a continuous basis. It has not been fun. I’ve been miserable. I’m just thanking my lucky stars this did not hit when J was at his chicken pox peak over the weekend (*shudder*).

I tried to use what was left of my fast-dwindling brain power to concentrate on fun things that made me happy. I ate lots of chocolate (then promptly considered joining Weight Watchers for the first time in my entire life - the need to lose weight isn’t new but the sudden pull toward WW is…strange. Must be The Snots talking). I watched a lot of TV. I surfed the net half-heartedly (no energy for a post most of the time) but too long at a session and my headache would flare up. In one burst of energy I sawed some wood (I’m still toying with the idea of a vegie garden and got far enough along in the Cabin Fever stakes to want to build the garden beds Right. This. Second). I was okay while I was concentrating on the sawing motion but collapsed in a little bubble of snot and achey bones as soon as I was done - retrospectively, a mistake.

All this while dealing with a healing (and frustratingly, continuously-present) child who has now had 6 days off school and will have a seventh tomorrow (last day of term before a 2 week school break - not much point in sending him back even though I pronounced him non-contagious today - yeah, I’m totally qualified). I love my son to pieces but this week? It has been tough. With the younger kids still not showing any signs at all of illness - Moo did have a day off school on Tuesday, but it was unrelated - holidays about to begin and this headache that just won’t quit, I’m just not working at capacity. The dishes and the laundry desperately need attention but all I want to do is curl up in a ball. Poor TH is feeling the same so he can’t take over either although the dear man has unloaded the dishwasher and organized nightly bedtime routines on more than a few occasions this week (thankfully for him, its his week off). I just can’t summon up the energy to feel guilty about the mess.

I think we both just kind of want to feel normal again, sigh.

But hey! Next Friday (3rd) is my birthday! I’m trying to petition the Big Guy Upstairs to keep the Pox away from the other kids until at least Saturday because we have family (including the kids’ cousins) coming on Tuesday and a family dinner out for my birthday on Thursday or Friday night. I will be kinda sore if we have to deal with The Pox Mach II (and III). The kids are desperate to take the cousins to the local arcade to have a go at the claw grabber thingy. My husband, gorgeous though he may be, is about as enthusiastic about shopping for a birthday gift as he is about a dry piece of toast. Not because it’s me. He loves me. It’s the shopping experience that he hates. So I make it easy on him and usually tell him what I want. At the moment we’re toying with the idea of a point-n-shoot digital camera I don’t have to use his clunky and awkward digital SLR and we’re both still a bit cabin-feverish so we’re hitting the shops tomorrow to scout out some different models. J’s coming with us now that he’s no longer contagious. Of course it helps that Talented Hubby’s personal oasis o’ calm is the camera shop, LOL. It would be rather cool to be able to tote a camera around with me for a change. I see some awesome stuff on my travels :) So send happy camera vibes my way!


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