Sunday, September 21, 2008

Chicken Pox Question...Need Help

Master J seems to have come out in a secondary rash that looks an awful lot like hives to me, mainly on his legs at this stage (he won’t let me look elsewhere!) but quite extensive. It is very different from his other (current) legions for chicken pox but Talented Hubby is determined to count it as one and the same disease (if not chicken pox based, then at least caused by it).

We can’t see the doctor until at least Tuesday morning, but as far as I’ve worked out so far, it could be a reaction to some bacteria that got in through the legions when he scratched. I just wanted to know if anyone has seen this same thing in their own kids - what appears to be hives several days into an otherwise very run-of-the-mill chicken pox outbreak - and could give me some advice?

He’s not making it easy for us to check properly either - in fact, we’ve had to come down all hard and heavy on the ‘checking spots several times a day’ thing - now I’m glad I pushed to check, otherwise we may have missed picking this up as soon as we did, sigh. Apart from being generally ‘ick’ due to the pox, and horrible grumpiness/opposition to us looking at his spots, he is otherwise in okay spirits. He’s having a little trouble swallowing at the moment (he has a few legions at the top of his throat, which we were keeping a close eye on - but we did think this was going to fix itself as the spots began to heal over the rest of his body) and he’s ITCHY (that seemed to step up on day 3) but otherwise fine.


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