Saturday, June 28, 2008

Saturday Mornings - Actually Not So Quiet With 87 Children

Happenings in Chez Lizzie today? Well, it’s Saturday, which would ordinarily mean kicking back and pottering about the house doing the laundry and whatnot but this morning we have a cinema birthday party for one of Boofah’s classmates to attend. I usually don’t go to those but it so happened that I was going to take the other two Piglets to the same cinema session anyway and mentioning this to the birthday child’s mother somehow managed to score me tickets/birthday invites for them as well. I promise I didn’t plan that! I’ll slip the mum some cash to cover the extra.

So to recap: Birthday party at cinema during a specially-set-aside session specifically for birthday parties (meaning, we will NOT be the only group of screaming children there…sigh), watching a movie I’m not sure they will completely get (Get Smart…you have to book weeks in advance for these parties and it was originally going to be Narnia until they bumped the raiting of that to M down here….Get Smart was the only thing they could put up at short notice apparently). They stop the movie halfway through for a burger and a drink and then afterward, there’s cake in the foyer. For anywhere up to five different birthday parties.

My day doesn’t stop there. Talented Hubby is dropping us all off this morning but then has to go to work so I thought I’d take the opportunity after the party to drag the kids shoe shopping. I know. Hopped up on sugar. It’s going to be SUPER FUN. Then I wrangle them onto the bus and home. Where they’ll proceed to fight to the death over who has the next turn on the computer. And all this before I’ve even fit in a morsel of housework. Joy.

I’m thinking tonight is going to be Chick Flick Central. I bought a copy of Cold Mountain on sale a couple of weeks back and that seems just about perfect to me. With a hot cup of tea or hot chocolate and something covered in chocolate. Who’s with me? LOL.

Oh, and just to top my day off, I have a cold. 5-6 weeks of a cough-with-no-other-symptoms and not one week after finally kicking that to the curb here’s something else - ‘cept this time, there’s PHLEGM people. I can follow the illness’ progression through the Stages of Mucous. I can’t tell you how pleased I am with that. It’s also forcing me to reschedule my next blood donation which was meant to be on Thursday - you’re not meant to have a cold or anything else within a week either side of giving blood. Drats.

And with that, I’m off to round up the children. Sure you don’t want to come help?


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