Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Good Grief!

Further to yesterday’s post:

Miss Moo has thrown up no less than eleventy-four times but is now so adept at it she barely whimpers. Who would have thought that my stoic nature in the face of the morning sickness she gave me would be genetic?

How To Scam A Whole Week Off School, by Miss Moo

Catch a ’slightly more interesting’ strain of gastro.
Throw up intermittently for 38 hours (and counting).
Refuse to eat, or if you do nibble something, immediately throw it back up again.
Make sure you throw up the fluids too. Freak your parents out.
Move from ‘chunks’ (sorry!) to ‘green bile’. Cause your poor mother to retch every time she rinses the Spew Bucket.
Score a second day off from school after ‘pretending’ that you’re on the mend (no vomiting overnight) and then starting back up again with gusto twelve seconds after waking up.
Visit a doctor who gives your parents the choice of two medications - Maxalon (I totally love that stuff, btw) and an obsure liquid anti-vomit medication you’ve never heard of but which the doctor assures you is the far superior choice because Maxalon only comes in injection and tablet form and a 6yo child can’t possibly be expected to take either option particularly well.
Have a quiet word to the doctor and score at least a third day off school for tomorrow because even if the medication works, you’ll need another day to rest.
Travel 20 minutes to a chemist (pharmacy) to discover the liquid version has been discontinued and they only have the adult version. Contemplate going back to the doctor for a second prescription for the Maxalon but in the end discover child can have the adult version but only ¼ tablet at a time.
Buy iceblocks (popsicles) because Mummy tells you they are the BEST thing for the after-spew ‘ickies’.
Have your parents realise when they get home that the medication is anti-travel sickness. I know it probably works the same, but geez.
Rest for a while.
Let your mother do the same. Mummy is, at this stage, quite ill herself.
Scoot up to the school to pick up Boofah, both of us like the walking wounded and carrying the same ice-cream bucket as yesterday, just in case.
Vomit two seconds after stepping foot inside the house again (least it wasn’t at school, right?)
So, Miss Moo has tomorrow off as well. Then Friday is a student-free day at her school. Then the weekend. Then a public holiday on Monday. The earliest she’ll be back at school will be Tuesday! *Sob*

I do hate to see her sick though. This is the sickest any of the kids have been for some time and even when one of them gets gastro it rarely lasts longer than about 12 hours. Doc said if she hasn’t stopped vomiting by this evening then it’s a trip to the hospital, poor mite. She’s been sick once since her first bout of medication - which was SUCH a pleasure to administer, let me tell you - but we’re hoping the second dose (very shortly) will lick it before we end up in the emergency room :( The house is an absolute mess and I have no energy at all. I’m stealing naps two or three times a day which makes for a very interesting meal-making and cleaning schedule, sigh. Poor Talented Hubby may have to leave work early tonight.


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