Thursday, August 14, 2008

Oh Yeah...It Could Be Chicken Pox

Miss Moo’s best friend has the chicken pox.

The two girls are like peas in a pod.

They share EVERYTHING. Lunches, frequent hugs - the lot.

If Moo hasn’t got The Pox by the end of the week it will be a miracle, sigh. None of the kids have had it yet. I still hadn’t caught it by adulthood and had to be immunized against it (and the possible complications it could bring to an adult sufferer) a few years back. For better or worse, I chose not to immunize the children. My reasoning was, chicken pox is rarely dangerous in kids their age and there is some evidence to suggest natural immunity (ie, contracting the disease through regular childhood contact) works a little better. If they still hadn’t had it when they hit high school, my intention was always to seek the shots then (just for the record, I’m not pro or anti vaccinations - just pro personal choice. All my kids have had the scheduled shots. I even have an autistic son and don’t put much stock in the whole MMR debate.) Moo’s afternoon off school yesterday may be related - I’ve heard that you can feel a little ‘off’ a day or two before spots appear, like you’ve got a cold brewing? Can someone jump in and clear that up/confirm that for me?

So on the one hand, I’ve panicked and checked Moo’s extremities for spots this morning and yet on the other hand I’m not too worried about the possibility of her getting them. Clearly a tale of Woe and Destruction will fall about the house (groan, groan, groan) but if it happens, it happens.

And if it doesn’t…well that’s perfectly fine as well!


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