Saturday, April 5, 2008

Kicking Back On A Saturday Morning

It’s been a long while since I’ve had to keep the kids’ noise level down to that which only dogs can hear, but today is that day. Talented Hubby worked until 4am last night. This is unusual in his job at the moment, but I remember The Old Days Of The Nightshift with fear and trembling and I’d really, really hoped I’d never have to do that again. I hate nightshift.

For starters, I have difficulty sleeping when Hubs isn’t around. I’ve examined this and have come to the conclusion I kinda like the guy and must miss his body heat, or you know, the solidness of his body or something. The worst part of nightshift though, must be having to keep the Piglets down to a dull roar the next morning when Hubs is sleeping the shift off. He couldn’t have timed this odd little shift for a weekday when the kids are in school, could he? Nope, it’s smack on the weekend, when the kids are here to be loud all day long. See? Nightshift is horrible.

Thankfully this is only for one more night and then we go back to our regularly scheduled program. Hallelujah!

This head cold is another thing I’m having trouble with right now. Did I mention I’m rarely sick? When it hits (I might get a cold once every couple of years, whereas Hubs probably three or four times a season, LOL) I go down like a sack of spuds. I tried to nap yesterday afternoon but in a cruel twist of fate could not fall asleep and I was so tired I wore my pyjama top to do the school pick-up. Don’t panic ladies - it was just a t-shirt and fleece sweater, indistinguishable as bedclothes to the naked eye, LOL - and it was a momentary infraction. I ‘woke up’ (waking up usually means you’ve been sleeping to begin with) from my nap five minutes before I had to leave the house and I looked down at myself and thought hey, I. Just. Don’t. Care. Today.

To sweeten the deal, I’ve had a very persistent (and more than a little annoying) headache for the last couple of days. I’m thinking it must be connected to the cold in some way because I can feel the pressure in my sinuses when I’m in the throes of mucousy despair so it’s an easy jump. I used to get headaches a whole lot and about four months ago took a step backwards in regards to pain relief. I was getting far too reliant on a particular brand of painkiller. Interestingly enough, after two or three days of one of the worst headaches in the known universe, for the most part they disappeared. Red flag, red flag! I did a bit of research and came across a couple of interesting facts. There were known cases of severe health issues associated with this particular pain pill. And my own personal conclusion - completely non-medical I should point out - was that it was entirely possible the pills themselves were giving me headaches. The cycle would go something like: get headache, take a pill, feel nothing for a few hours (the desired effect), get headache, take pill, feel nothing (*I should pause here to add that I never exceeded the maximum dose in a day, ever). When you know that you’re ‘it’ in terms of keeping the house running smoothly, you tend to go for the quick fixes. It occured to me, after I’d stopped taking them, that all those headaches may not have been independent symptoms at all, but rather withdrawals from the pain pills themselves! I have never been so glad I gave them up. So I urge you, if you’re taking any kind of non-prescribed pain medication regularly, even if you’re coming in well under the maximum daily dose, consider having a trial without them. The first few days could be brutal, I’ll give you that, but it’s worth it to get the ickies out of your body.

So, the headache. It is here. And though I have been taking a much less powerful pain pill to keep it ‘under the surface’, it’s not really working. I believe some good old fashioned remedies are in order. Such as hot chocolate, quilt, Blockbuster, snacks and box of tissues (for the movie, not the cold). Ahhhhhhh.

That’s totally going to work, right?

Plans for today: The official excuse is that I can’t run any mechanicals until Hubs is up at lunchtime. No washing machine, dishwasher or, um, leaf-blower (because that is totally how I clear crumbs off our dining table). The stereo is out because they kind of work by noise, and normally I’d throw on the iPod and ignore the rest of the world while I scrub away but that would not be the sign of a responsible adult would it? Eventually the kids would get hungry. They’re needy like that.

I will probably sort laundry and line up loads ready to go. Clear a bookshelf in our office area. Bang my head against a brick wall when the kids won’t heed my ‘BE QUIET!!!!!’ shrieking whisper for the eventy-eighth time. Good times.

Hope your Saturday is as productive as mine!


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