Monday, April 7, 2008

He Was Just Here A Second Ago...

This would be the week to get organised, if I was so inclined.

Unfortunately, I am not. Well not yet anyway. I’m hoping that inspiration will strike.

For the first time in years Talented Hubby has gone on a trip without us. He left today, after a rigorous round of paintball with his work colleagues (which probably meant he drove the highway with blue paint in his hair and scared small children and dogs). Actually, paintball would have been awesome, and I’m jealous.

But he’s gone. Until Friday. Today is Monday. That’s (*counts on fingers*) four whole sleeps. It’s not like I’m not used to the two of us passing like ships through the night - the perils of a shiftworking spouse - but it’s kind of freakin’ me out to think that I’m home ‘alone’ for the next four days. As in, I’m the last line of defence. It’s up to me to ring for the fire brigade/kill the spiders/beat back any intruders. Actually I have that last one covered. I have a big ol’ thumpin’ stick right next to the bed. And I’ll sleep with my mobile phone. I muted the keytones so the robbers won’t know I’m frantically texting my husband. Can’t call the police you see - the bad guys would hear my voice.

See? Totally have this alone thing covered.

But given that I am sans-Hubs this week, it really would stand to reason that it would be the perfect time to declutter his side of the wardrobe. Or go through the boxes of high school memorabilia he keeps dragging from house to house. Re-set his home page (to Lizzie’s Home, of course! Well, that or My Little Pony, LOL). Watch chick flicks every single night with some sort of delicious alcoholic liqueur a glass of diet coke in one hand and a piece of mudcake carrot sticks and salsa in the other. I’m totally hitting Blockbuster tomorrow. Suggestions welcome. For the film or for the snacks.

Plans for the week ahead: shopping (new jeans, oh joy of joys, sigh), taking the bus to the city for the simple pleasures of drinking overpriced coffee and people watching (last time I saw a young lad who, having probably lost a dare, was walking the length of the mall in pink lycra hot pants…and nothing else), eating lunch somewhere that does not serve kids meals, and cooking as little as humanely possible.

And possibly, if I can get my act together, doing a little cleaning. Or, you know, watching another movie.


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