Friday, October 3, 2008

You Know That Awesome Childhood Disease Called The Chicken Pox?

And remember how I was hoping and praying for a reprieve from Chicken Pox, The Sequel until AFTER my birthday?


Miss Moo has now taken over the reins.

Fun day out with family? Cancelled.
Shopping for my birthday present? Cancelled.
Going out to dinner, which I’ve looked forward to for weeks? Cancelled.

Big sigh.

But, I’m trying to look on the bright side of it all. She won’t have to miss any school, with our new term not beginning for another 10-ish days (J wasn’t contagious from around 8 days, but he got it over the last week of the term and missed school for most of that time). She appears to (SO FAR!) have a less severe case than J did. It also happened on the tail end of several-days-long visit from a favourite uncle and two cousins instead of at the beginning of the visit. We were able to go bowling on Wednesday as a group (in retrospect she was probably contagious then, but we weren’t to know). Poor J had the worst case of cabin fever I’ve ever seen from his week-and-a-half on house arrest right before this so I think he would have disowned us completely if he learned we’d be stuck at home again. And Talented Hubby took today off for my birthday so even though it’s a major drag to be stuck at home instead of out at the arcade with the cousins, at least he’s with us.

But you know what? The Chicken Pox vaccine sounds MIGHTY FINE to me right now….


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