Well, it looks like Grandpa - what I affectionately named our old desktop computer when Baby (the laptop) entered the house last year - is heading toward the great recycling heap in the sky.
And no, we didn't take to him with a sledgehammer, though hubby looked ready to on more than one occasion! I haven't a hope of understanding computer maintenance, but the problem revolved around multiple (and unprompted) reboots and freezing up. We battled on for weeks until hubby finally took it to the repair shop this morning to find that, unfortunately, it was terminal (LOL). Or rather, it would cost at least $600 to fix. In hubby's eyes, there's little point in forking out that much when we could by a whole new replacement machine with the same features for a bit over $1000. In reality, it's a good opportunity to finally upgrade the main family computer and we'll probably spend closer to $1500. Hubby will finally get his flatscreen monitor :P
So hubby is out today, with Grandpa 'embalmed' (wrapped in a blanket) in the backseat, checking up on prices and features of new models. It's probably not the most opportune time to be spending a cool grand-and-a-half on what is, realistically-speaking, a luxury item, but the money is there so that's not the biggest issue. It just hurts to spend so much money in one hit!
And no, we didn't take to him with a sledgehammer, though hubby looked ready to on more than one occasion! I haven't a hope of understanding computer maintenance, but the problem revolved around multiple (and unprompted) reboots and freezing up. We battled on for weeks until hubby finally took it to the repair shop this morning to find that, unfortunately, it was terminal (LOL). Or rather, it would cost at least $600 to fix. In hubby's eyes, there's little point in forking out that much when we could by a whole new replacement machine with the same features for a bit over $1000. In reality, it's a good opportunity to finally upgrade the main family computer and we'll probably spend closer to $1500. Hubby will finally get his flatscreen monitor :P
So hubby is out today, with Grandpa 'embalmed' (wrapped in a blanket) in the backseat, checking up on prices and features of new models. It's probably not the most opportune time to be spending a cool grand-and-a-half on what is, realistically-speaking, a luxury item, but the money is there so that's not the biggest issue. It just hurts to spend so much money in one hit!
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