Sometimes the shelf holds nothing but old copies of Mills & Boon novels and old, outdated National Geographics and the odd obscure nursing manual. Every so often though, you hit the jackpot.
Yesterday was one of those days. The nursing manual was still there, but there were also several 'book bundles' - four novels rubber-banded together to get rid of them faster. I caught the names of a couple of well known authors, and the odd novelisation of blockbuster movies, and I decided to grab a few. I couldn't argue with the price - 30c per book bundle and 20c per single book.
I got, amongst others:
- In Her Shoes (Jennifer Weiner) - the novel they later made into a movie starring Toni Colette and Cameron Diaz.
- Digital Fortress (Dan Brown) - okay, so suspension of belief is a huge prerequisite for his novels, but hey...they're fun, LOL.
- Final Destination (novelization by Natasha Rhodes) - I'd call it an airport novel, but...
- The Lost Boys (novelization by Craig Shaw Gardner) - not even sure if this is worth reading (vampires), but was in a bundle, LOL.
- Three Wilbur Smith novels - two of which are the SAME really old novel, LOL.
- Another vampire story - this one might go straight into the Give Away box yet.
All for the grand total of $1.10. I may never read these books, but at about 8 ½ cents each - who cares? When I'm through, I'll release them into the wild :)
Enjoy "In Her Shoes". I haven't seen the movie yet, but I read the book last summer when we were on vacation and I loved it.
It was really, really good.
Thanks :) It was the most promising of the 13, that's for sure, LOL.
The movie is GREAT! Toni Collette is wonderful as always and I don't normally like Cameron Diaz but was good too! Great story.
That settles it then - it's next on the list.
After I finish Final Destination that is...picked it up yesterday to flick through to see if it was worth reading at all - is the type of less-than-intellectual book (as novelisations generally are, LOL) that YOU CAN'T PUT DOWN. I know what happens and I'm STILL reading it, LOL.
Thankfully I haven't seen the movie of In Her Shoes - I usually prefer to read the books first.
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