It took me a long time to get around to doing this, but I have been making myself carve out about an hour for exercise each and every day at around this time. I'm fresh, I'm not bogged down by the inevitably-long To Do list (yet!) and the house is quiet. If I plan to go for a walk, then I dress for walking prior to taking the kids to school and begin my walk from there, rather than coming home first (we live only a few minutes walk away from our school anyway). Sometimes I don't walk, and sometimes even if I do, I just go for half an hour, but I like to leave that hour long window just in case. I usually finish up (including a quick shower) at around 10:30. I take half an hour to have a snack and a rest, then the 'real' work starts from around 11:00.
Lizzie's Mid-Morning Routine
* What's For Dinner? (I take meat out of the freezer, set aside ingredients, that sort of thing)
* Reboot laundry (hang out, throw on another load etc)
* Kitchen Patrol (I finish cleaning the kitchen after breakfast, generally get organised)
* General Tidy - main living areas (the kids have usually left lots of 'stuff' around in the school prep rush)
* Make beds
* Lay out after school clothes
* Hotspot
* Focus Cleaning tasks
I leave about 2 hours, from 11:00 until 1:00 for the above routine. It's pretty flexible. Depending on what's on my Focus Cleaning list for that day, it might only take me an hour, or it might take me two-and-a-half hours. The average is around 2 hours though. This is a good, steady pace, without any distractions, LOL.
I stop for another half hour to have some lunch and a rest.
At 1:30, I crack open my books and try my hardest to get in some quality, non-kid, minimal-noise studying in. I've figured out if I make myself sit down, much the same as if I make myself take that hour long exercise stint, then I'm far less likely to get bogged down with assignments. Little bites, little chunks. It works. Sort of. LOL.
At 3:00 I put the books down and race off to get the kids from school.
Now as you can see this is less of a Mid-Morning Routine and more of a 'middle of the day routine', LOL, but oh well. You get the idea!
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