I hate laundry. Along with many, many other women I suspect. It's not so much the physical act of throwing on a load of clothes that bothers me, its the sorting. And the folding. And the putting away. And the knowledge deep in your heart that this will never end. Ever.
My laundry room is a comfortable sized room, with a door leading out to the side of the house (a shortcut round to the clothesline) and the usual ammenities in the form of the tub, the washing machine, a dryer perched on a waist-height cupboard DH knocked up one day and an upright freezer. Throw in a couple of shelves and that's about it.
I use the dryer too much (*gasp!*) and as a result, the tops of all the appliances are covered in a thick layer of dust. Okay, so the thickness of this layer is determined by my own laziness in using a feather duster up there, but regardless of why, the dust is a prominent feature. If I've been particularly neglectful, the dust has also crawled up the wall, around the skirting boards and in between the appliances and cupboards on the floor. Asthmatics wouldn't dare go near it.
The room is cheery enough - as anything remotely associated with laundry can be - but I don't like going in there much. I usually have several loads of laundry backing up and after a couple of weeks of hard study slog, I have many, many more than that currently wanting attention. It's sad. So very sad!
But today I rolled up my sleeves and sorted the laundry. I won't go into details but even if we continue to wear today's clothes into May, I'll probably still be behind, LOL. I stain treated things that I hadn't even realised I still owned, let alone hadn't washed. (Note to self: soak Boofah's sheets immediately after a midnight blood nose next time). I'm having a hard time getting a couple of stains out of a few things but I will perservere. Most of the kids clothes are knock-about type things, stuff purchased for a few bucks a piece and which I don't get upset over if they get a bit marked over time. Thus is life with two boys who, even now after 8 and 6 years, can't seem to find their mouths when they eat.
Oh, but there's so MUCH laundry to catch up on...sigh. I figured I'd be much more inclined to spend the necessary time in the laundry room if the dust and clutter was gone, so that was my project for today. I had to vacuum dust from the wall at one point. Yes, true. I threw out 7 empty boxes of washing powder which is roughly 4 months supply. I had a plastic grocery sack full of dryer lint hanging on the back of the door - and I have no idea why. But it's getting there. The next step is to pretty up the space a bit. I'm going to put in a couple of picture hooks and put up some cheery pictures. And I'm going to try really, really hard not to rely on the dryer so much (though as we're heading into winter, this will become a bit more difficult). I'm going to invest in a super-dooper indoor drying rack. I'm going to actually stick to my own Routines and include laundry every day. I'm going to FOLD and IRON and PUT AWAY. And I'm going to do a weekly spruce up so that the laundry room doesn't disintegrate into such a state again.
I'm off to reboot my washer. See you in May, LOL.
eeeek Lizzie - that's LOT of laundry powder! I use Aware and a 1.5kg box lasts me months (the box I am currently using was open when we got back in Nov and it's still going - almost done now). About $7 for 6 months is pretty good!
I fell victim to advertising yesterday and bought some Omo powder for the 'dual soaking plus washing action' or whatever the spin was. I had about six or seven items of clothing - all Miss Moo's - with stains that weren't budging and wanted to see if the Omo's soaking ability would help me eliminate Napisan Plus (my other soaky standby). I figured in the long run if more stains came out in the wash I could put up with a slightly higher cost.
Well...I hate the smell! I know, how lame. But all I can smell is the Omo (opened up the house while doing the washing yesterday so the smell has permeated every surface). Augghh. Nearly $9 for a box and I hate the smell. Oh well. I haven't yet checked on my soaking bucket but if the stains have come out I'll use it like I would Napisan until its gone, but continue to use the BioZet (with softener) for regular washing.
Another lesson in 'better the devil you know' LOL.
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