Hubs is one step closer to fame and fortune.
DH's fourth child is his digital SLR camera (much like my fourth child is my dishwasher, ahem) and at the risk of sounding completely sappy, he's really good.
An uncle of his came down to visit us last weekend. He's into photography as well and wanted some Photoshop tips from Hubs. He's been having talks with the owner of a gallery in the town where he lives and (long story short), Hubs has come on board to do a joint exhibition.
Scheduled for early next year, the gallery owner wants 60-80 photos between the two of them. Hubs is stoked - he really gets to stretch his legs on this one. And the best part?
His photos will be for sale.
The gallery owner says that the smaller ones usually sell for $100 and the larger ones up to $500. I just about fell over when I heard that as a general rule, about a third of the displayed shots sell. Assuming they have 80 shots on display between them, and each of them sell a third of their own work, that's 13-14 sales. Even if they're on the lower end of the sale price, that's - gasp! - a potential $1300-$1400!
Okay, so that's an oversimplistic way of working it out, and he could sell absolutely zip during the month they'll be on display. BUT, its a heck of an opportunity regardless and Hubs is thrilled to think of his work out in the open.
I love Hubs' photos. Some of the shots are breathlessly good, and I'm not saying that just because I'm married to the man, LOL. Well not all because of that :P He's genuinely that good. And I'm so darn jealous, LOL. He recently won an online 'photo of the month' competition which will see his photo printed in a nationwide camera magazine - he made it into mass print before I did! Grrr!
This is one of those opportunities that I love - to pump up Hubs. Between now and Christmas we'll work together to pump out his collection, print and frame the shots, design a website (that's where I come in!) , print business cards, and so on. He'll be my little side project, LOL.
P.S. The shot above is one of Hubs' - Miss Moo having a splash.
DH's fourth child is his digital SLR camera (much like my fourth child is my dishwasher, ahem) and at the risk of sounding completely sappy, he's really good.
An uncle of his came down to visit us last weekend. He's into photography as well and wanted some Photoshop tips from Hubs. He's been having talks with the owner of a gallery in the town where he lives and (long story short), Hubs has come on board to do a joint exhibition.
Scheduled for early next year, the gallery owner wants 60-80 photos between the two of them. Hubs is stoked - he really gets to stretch his legs on this one. And the best part?
His photos will be for sale.
The gallery owner says that the smaller ones usually sell for $100 and the larger ones up to $500. I just about fell over when I heard that as a general rule, about a third of the displayed shots sell. Assuming they have 80 shots on display between them, and each of them sell a third of their own work, that's 13-14 sales. Even if they're on the lower end of the sale price, that's - gasp! - a potential $1300-$1400!
Okay, so that's an oversimplistic way of working it out, and he could sell absolutely zip during the month they'll be on display. BUT, its a heck of an opportunity regardless and Hubs is thrilled to think of his work out in the open.
I love Hubs' photos. Some of the shots are breathlessly good, and I'm not saying that just because I'm married to the man, LOL. Well not all because of that :P He's genuinely that good. And I'm so darn jealous, LOL. He recently won an online 'photo of the month' competition which will see his photo printed in a nationwide camera magazine - he made it into mass print before I did! Grrr!
This is one of those opportunities that I love - to pump up Hubs. Between now and Christmas we'll work together to pump out his collection, print and frame the shots, design a website (that's where I come in!) , print business cards, and so on. He'll be my little side project, LOL.
P.S. The shot above is one of Hubs' - Miss Moo having a splash.
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