Shannon over at Rocks In My Dryer is doing a fun little meme. Join in if you want! (Leave a comment here if you do so we know where to come visit!)
Five Questions
If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Oh cripes...um...everyone else will say chocolate but have you ever had a late night movie-watching-choc-fest? I defy anyone to manage more than a few straight hours! Probably bananas.
What's the most nerve-racking "close call" you've ever had?
When Boofah was about three, Daddy took him to the end of our driveway to check the mailbox. He tripped and headbutted the corner, providing us with a spectacularly-close-to-scalping moment. Of course being a head wound it bled like crazy and Hubs whisked him up to the hospital where they proceded to peel back the flap of scalp to insert a needle full of local anaesthetic so they could stitch him up. There was other medicine involved as well that made him hilariously dopey (the hilarious part obviously after we realised he would live!) and they warned us that we weren't to let him fall asleep for the next two or three hours. Well this poor kid literally couldn't sit up straight because of the medicine ('high' more than 'sleepy') but at the same time it was the equivalent of 'happy gas' and everything we did or said was a total riot to him. We scratched our nose and he'd be in hysterics. These days (about 4 years later) he has a ripper scar on his head. We buzz cut his hair ourselves and we know its getting too long when we can no longer see the scar, LOL. It's our little 'haircut measurer' :P It's a 'V' shape about an inch-and-a-half on each side of the 'V'.
Name five features your ultimate dream house would have.
Self cleaning bathrooms.
A live in maid.
Five bedrooms - one for each of the kids, plus us and the last one for a craft/study room.
Large kitchen.
A spa.
Who has been the most influential non-relative in your life?
When I was about five or six a family friend began to bring me books whenever she came down to visit. This continued over the years until she was stocking my book collection six or seven titles at a time. She was like the tooth fairy and Santa all rolled into one for a kid like me who lived with her nose in a book.
What one non-physical feature would you most like to change about yourself?
Non-physical? Darn. Um...my total and utter predisposition to procrastination!
Okay, now you try it with these five questions:
1. If you had to invite three famous people over for a dinner party, who would you invite and why? (they can be alive or dead).
2. You've just received an inheritance worth enough that you could travel anywhere in the world. Where would you go, and why?
3. You're shipwrecked and only have time to take three items from the emergency kit on the life raft before it sinks. Which item would to grab? (for the sake of this question we'll assume that the emergency kit contains most basic survival equipment even if in real life it would be too small).
4. What's the nicest Random Act of Kindness (RAOK) you've ever experienced or witnessed?
5. You have 24 hours to live. Where would you go and who would you take?
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