Today I managed to get myself in gear enough to load up my 'servant' with fixins for a beef casserole (Old Fashioned Beef Stew from Deborah Taylor-Hough's Frozen Assets Lite & Easy to be precise) and it smells wonderful. Mental note: Use crockpot more often. All day I've been catching whiffs of it and being very thankful I won't have to rustle up food for dinner later!
The Monkeys are very spoilt this weekend. It's a long weekend down here, with the Queen's Birthday holiday today, so they'd already secured a 3-day weekend, but Boofah and Miss Moo's school also elected to have a student-free day tomorrow meaning a full four days off. Master J's school isn't going for the extra day, however we've decided to pull him from school for that one day as a treat. We've planned a special day out just with Mum. We're going to see Shrek The Third in the cinema followed by lunch out, probably at the Golden Arches, LOL. The benefits of doing this tomorrow, as opposed today, is that it won't be busy. Shrek just opened this past Thursday down here and opening weekend of any new kids film is insane. So we get to avoid the bulk of that by seeing the film during school hours tomorrow. I might also get some errands done while the kids are with me, such as stocking up on winter pants and sweaters. They're usually at school and I have to guess at sizes. I'm pretty good these days but with a stringbean for a son (Master J), I can be out by several inches if I go by the last size I bought!
The rest of the week will be spent nutting down and studying...again. Gosh, I can't tell you how thrilled I'll be when this block of 12 assignments are completely finished (for a running total, see sidebar on the left!) and then there's just one more semester to go (out of four years) and I'm done. DONE. I don't know yet what I'm going to do to mark that auspicious occasion but it will have to be big. I've had this course on my list of priorities for so long that I barely know how to function without a deadline looming. Think of all the homemaking I'll get done! LOL.
On Wednesday I have to go shopping for clothes, auugh. For myself, that is. I need something suitable to wear out on Friday night - Hubs has a work function - and as I spend virtually all my time in jeans and t-shirts, I own exactly four items of 'dressywear'...and they're all things I've previously worn to funerals. Being on this side of 'cuddly', finding smart after-five wear is near-impossible. Everything has spaghetti straps (or none at all!) and lets just say - ahem - spaghetti straps just aint gonna cut it at Lizzie's Home :P And my lower half lends itself better to pants rather than skirts, so its either a new pair of dressy jeans (*guffaw*) and a cool top, or a pair of suit pants and the same. I hate shopping for clothes. Which is probably why my wardrobe consists of an eclectic mix of sales and clearance items!
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