This is my first one of these. Jumping right in...
My pantry cupboard was very user-unfriendly for a good long while until today. After the third consecutive round of ingredients for Tomato & Vegetable Soup were bought because I couldn't remember whether I had canned tomatoes or not, I knew something had to change.
Here's what it looked like beforehand:

Things are just shoved in there willy-nilly. Those big tubs you can see down the bottom hold multiple packages of things like pasta and flour. Down the very bottom (you can't quite see the whole thing) is a shelf where we keep appliances. I think that's my crockpot lid you can see.
And here's what it looked like when I was done:

So technically I just rearranged for ease of finding the things I need. Those big tubs were filled with outdated food and I had to throw out a whole lot of stuff (strike one for Mama), but now I have a canned good shelf (the one above the tubs), an 'everyday' shelf (for things like coffee, tea, spices) and a baking shelf (lots of Decor containers filled with brown sugar, icing sugar, crushed nuts, flour and so on).
Surprisingly, I could actually find the coffee this morning. Always a bonus!
wow--you are so organized, I really don't see a difference between the before and after pic :) Great job--I bet it's easier to find things. Have a great week.
I know, LOL...I looked at the photos and thought the same thing myself :) But trust me, if you saw how much food I pitched you'd have been amazed (I was :P).
I'll try to find something a bit more dramatic next week, LOL.
My Mom has a pantry like yours. She had a carpenter come and cut out the center section of each shelf (where yours are empty of food). She has a much easier time finding things now!
Welcome to Tackle It Tuesday!
I agree that your "before" picture looks great! :-) I am always fighting a battle with my pantry, too. It's narrow and deep, so I have a hard time seeing what's in the back.
Mrs. C
Nancy, that's a great idea actually. I'll have to think about that one...
I've got to agree with some of the others - you were pretty tidy to begin with! :) But I can still see a difference, and it just feels SO good to get organized. Well done!
Have to agree with the others - my befores would be shameful! My hubby rearranged ours not too long ago, grouping like things with like. Really did make a difference. (Even though I objected to what he was doing at first!)
Great job and welcome to Tackle it Tuesday!
the before picture looks much better than my pantry right. any day..LOL
good job though :)
good job - i need to do that to. Maybe next week, lol.
way to go! every time i throw out food, i feel awful, but gosh, it makes it so much more organized!
stopping thru the tackle it tuesdays!
wanted to say hello to you too :)
Great - it's nice to have things all organized to NOT forget you have things and NOT eat it! :D
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