Lace or Ribbon? Ribbon. Lace reminds me of my nana, LOL.
Mountain or Beach? Mountain. I like trees over sand.
Reading or Writing? Oooh, tough one. Writing (I have a blog, are you surprised? LOL)
Cookie or Cake? Do I really have to choose? Cookie.
Baked or Mashed Potato? Baked.
Side or Back? Side.
Shrimp or Steak? Steak. I don't like seafood much.
Scrambled or Fried? Scrambled. Mostly because I can't flip an egg without it falling apart anyway!
Orange or Apple? Apple.
Spring or Fall? Autumn (Fall). Because I melt in summer and if I choose Autumn, then its a good 9 months until Melting Season. Whereas if I choose Spring, its only 3 mo. See, using my noggin', LOL.
Roller Skating or Bowling? Bowling.
DVD or Theater movies? Each has its place, but I love the experience of going to the cinema. Then again, I can watch chick flicks in my pjs - tough trade off.
Wood or Glass? Wood. Definitely wood.
Blue or Green? Blue.
Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate...of course!
Quilt or Knit? Um...watch?
Early Morning or Late Night? Late night. Mornings hurt.
Coffee or Tea? Tea.
Watermelon or Strawberry? Strawberry...but it depends. If we're talking fruit, then only if there aren't any bananas. If we're talking icecream flavours, then only if there isn't any chocolate left...
Lunch or Dinner? Dinner...when someone else cooks.
Cold Cereal or Oatmeal? Cold cereal.
Song or Dance? Song. There was no dancing at our wedding - we're that bad at it.
Carpet or Hardwood Floor? Neither...tiles. Just to be different.
Red or Pink? Red. I'm brunette and red goes with my colouring. Pink, however, would look hideous.
Cat or Dog? Definitely dog.
Pretzels or Chips? Depends on the chip! Doritos, yes. Regular potato chips, no. So pretzels when there aren't any Doritos.
Iced Tea or Lemonade? Neither, Coke...but I try not to drink too much soft drink.
Non-Fiction or Fiction? To read, Fiction. To write, Non-Fiction. I lost my imagination somewhere between the first and second child.
Rose or Daisy? Daisy...no question. It's fresh and unpretentious.
Sunrise or Sunset? The last time I saw an actual sunrise was the morning my second son was born. And only then because the blasted contractions wouldn't let me sleep!
Comb or Brush? Brush. I have long, thick hair. A comb just ain't gonna cut it.
Pottery or Basket? Basket. A million uses. And they don't smash.
Bracelet or Necklace? Necklace...but I'm not into jewellery much.
Pen or Pencil? Pen. Writes smoother. Or keyboard, LOL.
Couch or Chair? Depends. Couch for TV watching, chair for computer-using.
Country or Victorian? Country.
Farm or Ranch? Well we don't call them ranches down here anyway...LOL.
Braid or Ponytail? Ponytail. Though I braid (plait) my daughter's hair for school.
Cash or Check? Cash. I've never written a cheque in my life...we budget through our credit card for most things though.
Chocolate Bar or Jelly Bean? Silly question...chocolate.
Coke or Pepsi? Coke.
Hot Dog or Cheeseburger? Cheeseburger. Hotdogs taste like rubber to me.
Blinds or Curtains? Curtains.
Dress or Pants? Jeans.
Sun or Moon? Hmmm...moon.
Adventure or Comedy? Comedy.
Cloud or Star? Cloud. They make groovy patterns.
Lake or River? Hmmm...stagnant or flowing water...depends. Probably lake.
Half Full or Half Empty? Half Full. Married to a Half Empty.
Truck or Car? Car.
Bath or Shower? Shower. I'm only 5'3" and our bath is still too short for me.
Clothesline or Clothes Dryer? Gulp. 50/50 at the moment.
New or Second Hand? Depends. Clothes, new. Homewares, second hand.
Gum or Lifesaver? Gum.
Email or Handwritten? Email. Sad but true.
July or October? No brainer...October is my birthday month.
Barefoot or Shoes? Shoes. When I step on a millipede (common where I am at this time of year) there's less crunch!
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